モーバンダイアリー Aug.3&4










Tuesday 1st August 2023 I like cool climate in Malvern. I learned that the school separated the boy’s house and girl’s house. I’m looking forward to meeting new friends who are from different country. I played tennis after class. I have played it for the first time. I think I will sleep well tonight. I’m looking forward to shopping in Malvern tomorrow. K.M

Wednesday 2nd August 2023 Today, we went shopping in the town after morning class. I didn’t buy anything, but I enjoyed because I looked around with my friends. After that, we experienced British afternoon tea. We ate scones and drank tea. They were delicious. After eating dinner, we played sport. It was fun to play for a long time. I was glad that I could play an active part in the game. Y.S

Wednesday 2nd August 2023 Today, I swam in the pool in this morning. After that, I ate bread, beans, yogurt and sausage for breakfast. In the afternoon, I went on a picnic to the park near the school. I enjoyed though it was hot. I also enjoyed shopping in Malvern city. This event became my favorite memory. I had tea and scone for afternoon tea. The taste was the best for me. I played sport after dinner. I really enjoyed but I was tired. I had a good time today. I hope that we will have a lot of experiences until the time we leave Malvern. J.H












Thursday 3rd August 2023 Today, I learned about fish and chips in class. In England, they are served on Fridays lunch. I’m looking forward to eating them. After lunch, I went to Bourton-on-the-water. At first, I entered the Birdland. I saw many kinds of birds. Especially, I liked penguins the most of them. Also, there were Jurassic areas. It was good. After that, I went shopping. I bought some England snacks and ate chocolate mint Ice cream. They were so delicious! Everybody slept in the bus because they got tired, but I really enjoyed today. S.I

Thursday 3rd August 2023 Today, we went to Birdland. There were many birds. For example, penguins, parrots and flamingos. Also, Harry Potter is famous in England, so there was owls. They slept comfortably and they were cute! In the shop, I bought a key ring and a tumbler with a picture of a penguin. I will use them in Japan. After that, we went shopping to Bourton on the Water. I bought souvenirs for my friends and family. The shops were nice, so I bought a lot. I was happy because I was able to talk with the shop assistant. I had a good time, but I was tired because I walked a lot. I will be ready for tomorrow and sleep earlier tonight. N.T